Halloween – Madison style

Last weekend I went to my first Halloween in State street in a couple of years. The last time I went there, there were riots a couple of minutes after I left – I was lucky. So it was with great trepidation that I decided to go for it this year. It would also probably mark my last event as a bachelor :(.

This was definitely the first time I had dressed up after a really long time. The last time I remember dressing up was for a fancy dress competition when I was 5 – I went as Nehru complete with the rose :). I had to speak some random line – I don’t remember what it was. Unfortunately I won the second prize even though I was Numero Uno. That was the end of acting career – after the scar from that incident, I have not bothered dressing up :). That changed – I went as a vampire – the whole inspiration coming from the book “Interview with a Vampire” – just kidding, that was the cheapest available. I tried to look as suave as Louis and hoped to bite a couple of folks. I definitely did not succeed in the second.

Most innovative dresses – A girl who just had a letter G made of cardboard hung on her. Apparently it was  G-spot :). Another dude came with a letter P with cardboard and a black eye – if you have not guessed it, it was Black eye Pea :). And finally one guy who came with a Scooby head and a saying he was the 7th VICKtim. Interesting.

Here is a photo of me in my super costume.


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